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The Company is developing a motor and inverter for electric vehicle application as a new business area.

For use in EV applications, the motor and inverter have to be compact, lightweight, and low noise, and at the same time, they have to withstand vibrations and climate changes (high and low temperature) with a high  degree of reliability.
Drawing on engineering resources developed over a century, and with renewed passion, we plan to make further refinements and innovations in this field.

 New Business Development for Wind Power Business Field

Our Company has been involved in the wind power business fi eld since 2002. We sold wind power systems and related facilities to wind farm operators in Japan. We also provide maintenance services after the commercial operation of each wind power project. Our wholly owned subsidiary, M Winds Co., Ltd., has two wind farm projects in Japan selling a total 28,500 kW of power to the power utilities.
Now we are supplying 2 MW generators for a wind turbine that Japan Steel Works, Ltd. (“JSW”) manufactures and sells. We also provide maintenance services for JSW’s wind power systems.
Generator for a wind turbine by Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
 Drawing on our long-standing generator manufacturing technology and our rich experience in maintenance services, our nationwide maintenance networks, and our latest systems offering 24/7 remote-monitoring service, we would like to develop a new business in this challenging renewable energy market.
Meiden Customer Center that monitors the wind turbine operations 24 hours a day and 7 days aweek (24/7)


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